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    Модель розвитку творчих здібностей майбутніх учителів початкових класів у процесі художньо-трудової підготовки

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    The article focuses on redefining the paradigm of education. It is noted that the new Ukrainian school should ensure the comprehensive development of the individuality of person as a personality and the highest value of society on the basis of identifying his or her inclinations, abilities, gifts and talents. The central figure in the modernization of the educational process is the teacher of the new formation – the researcher-pedagogue, a creative personality, a professional whose characteristic features are modern scientific and pedagogical thinking, high spirituality, intelligence, optimism, constant readiness for self-education, self-development. Therefore, special attention requires the formation of the creative personality of the teacher, his or her professionalism. It is mentioned that a special place in the formation of the creative personality of the future teacher of primary classes belongs to the disciplines of artistic and labor orientation, the purpose of which is: development of the ability of students to fully perceive the phenomena of art, social life, nature; formation of creative thinking, aesthetic tastes, expansion of world outlook in the field of artistic and folk culture, knowledge deepening; development of interest to the beauty in the environment; perfection of moral, aesthetic needs and interests of youth, their aesthetic orientations, analysis of artistic works; development of emotionality, sensory-ideological attitude of students to the environment in all its manifestations; activating creative self-expression of students. The essence of the concept «model of development of creative abilities of the future teachers of primary classes in the process of artistic-labor training» has been highlighted. The author’s model of the mentioned preparation has been offered. The attention is focused on the main blocks of the model: target, theoretical-methodological, content, organizational-procedural, evaluation-diagnostic, effective. The pedagogical conditions of development of creative abilities of the future teachers of primary school in the process of artistic-labor training have been determined, among them: creation of problem-solving situations and creative tasks; use of project technology training; optimal combination of educational and extra-curricular work on the basis of creative interaction. It is noted that pedagogical conditions are effectively realized through the following methods, forms, means of development of creative abilities: integrated lectures, seminars-discussions, role games, project activity of students (creative projects and their demonstration, drawing up of a portfolio), competition-exhibition work (festivals, exhibitions, contests, installations, social projects), reflexive exercises (compositions-reflections, reflexive essays, sketches), independent research activity of students (analysis of scientific sources, analysis of practical experience, reviews). The conclusion is made on the integrity, step-by-step and dynamism of the author’s model; the possibility of integrating the developed system into existing conditions of higher education.У статті акцентовано увагу на переосмисленні парадигми освіти. Відмічено, що особливе місце у формуванні творчої особистості майбутнього учителя початкових класів належить дисциплінам мистецького та художньо-трудового спрямування. Висвітлено сутність поняття «модель розвитку творчих здібностей майбутніх учителів початкових класів у процесі художньо-трудової підготовки». Запропоновано авторську модель означеної підготовки. Зосереджено увагу на основних блоках моделі: цільовий, теоретико-методологічний, змістовий, організаційно-процесуальний, оціночно-діагностичний, результативний. Визначено педагогічні умови розвитку творчих здібностей майбутніх учителів початкової школи у процесі художньо-трудової підготовки, серед яких: створення проблемно-пошукових ситуацій та творчих завдань; використання проектних технологій навчання; оптимальне поєднання навчальної та позанавчальної роботи на засадах творчої взаємодії. Зазначено, що педагогічні умови ефективно реалізовуються через наступні методи, форми, засоби розвитку творчих здібностей: інтегровані лекції, семінари-дискусії, рольові ігри, проектна діяльність студентів (творчі проекти та їх демонстрація, складання портфоліо), конкурсно-виставкова робота (фестивалі, виставки, конкурси, інсталяції, соціальні проекти), рефлексивні вправи (твори-роздуми, рефлексивні есе, нариси), самостійна дослідницька діяльність студентів (аналіз наукових джерел, аналіз досвіду практичної роботи, рецензування). Зроблено висновок про цілісність, поетапність та динамічність авторської моделі; можливість інтегрування розробленої системи в існуючі умови вищої освіти

    The Professional Artist as Public School Educator: A Research Report of the Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education

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    Over the past eight years, the Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE) has undergone an extensive regimen of program research and evaluation, utilizing both staff members and external consultants to collect, analyze, and interpret information on program effectiveness. This information has been used to shape and strengthen the partnership program each year in response to the needs of students, teachers and teaching artists as well as to changing political and cultural pressures within the Chicago Public School System. In addition,the documentation and publication of insights and lessons learned through arts integration experiences in the schools has contributed significantly to the wider body of research in the field of arts education.During the early years of the program, evaluation efforts focused on general descriptions of the program goals and objectives along with initial impacts on student life.Positive trends were identified in terms of administrative and faculty attitudes and increased involvement in thearts partnerships, due mainly to student interest. More recently, a closer, more detailed analysis of CAPE's growing influence on student learning, teaching practice and school climate has highlighted the value of quality, arts integrated instruction, including evidence of positive effects on standardized math and reading test scores.Last year, our research turned to program sustainability, partly in light of reduced funding, as well as to the assimilation of new partnership schools and an increasing organizational focus on the professional development of participating teachers and artists. In the vast majority of cases, CAPE partnerships have evolved through trials and successes to bring lasting effects on administrators, teachers, and students.Through these studies, it is increasingly apparent that the participation of well-trained teaching artists is a valuable, and in some cases vital, addition to the general education of youth. The presence and artistic know-how brought to the classroom by these talented, dedicated professionals can, and is, having notable, sustainable influence on whole school improvement through transforming the daily learning experiences of educators and students alike. Not only does the presence of a quality arts program enliven a school atmosphere and promote the advancement of artistic skills and aesthetic knowledge, but a closer look at rigorous arts integrated activities in the classroom is revealing important insights into the cognitive benefits of arts education. Not only can artfully constructed lessons that authentically bridge the arts and academic content domains assist in the acquisition of artistic understanding, but they can enhance learning across the academic curriculum and, perhaps more importantly, the underlying thinking curriculu


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    The article dwells upon the problem of revealing ways to increase the attractiveness of education in the field of fine and decorative arts for today’s youth. The specificity of "introducing" contemporary youth into the world of fine arts is studied, starting from the early stages (pre-school education) up to professional training. The factors affecting the decision of a person to choose a specialty in the field of art or education (artistic pedagogy) and the acquisition of corresponding professional qualifications are distinguished as follows: personal factor (abilities and talents of the individual), prestige as a motivational factor as well as information and organizational factors. The methodology of the study envisaged: systemic approach – in order to cover the problem consistently, systematically and holistically; an interdisciplinary approach to consider factors from the standpoint of pedagogy, psychology and sociology; historical approach – to estimate the state of formation of the system for future professional artist’s training as well as fine arts teacher’s training and decorative art tutor preparation. The scientific relevance of the research is the specification of the factors of attractiveness in terms of the choice of artistic or artistic-pedagogical specialty in the modern educational space. Generalization of the possibilities of vocational guidance of the educational system of teaching fine arts in its retrospective view (from the period of 1950-1991 to the beginning of the XXI century) is carried out. On the basis of the principal classification of the factors of choosing a profession and diagnosis results (questionnaires),certain recommendations are given in order to increase the attractiveness of education in the field of fine and decorative arts for both domestic and foreign students wishing to study in Ukraine.

    Professional competency of modern specialist: means of formation, development and improvement

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    The modern scientific and methodical approaches to the study and analysis of professional competence that are in line with the state requirements for reforming education and the tendencies of introducing a competent approach as one of the key factors of today's vocational education are analyzed. The emphasis is placed on the fact that implementation of the competence approach should include the use of professional training of real professional tasks with the orientation of future professionals to analyze the results of their own professional activities and decisions. The basic principles of professional training of future managers of economic security are determined. It has been established that the professional training of future managers of economic security should be carried out on a modular basis


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    The article investigates the fundamental characteristics of contemporary STEM education, encompassing integrated learning, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, as well as active communication and teamwork abilities. It presents a novel and imaginative strategy for project development, which aims to equip students with the necessary skills to engage in lifelong technological innovation by applying scientific and technological knowledge to real-world scenarios. Furthermore, the article sheds light on the core components of STEM education, drawing from the US government's initiatives aimed at integrating STEM approaches into the national education system. In addition, the article underscores the imperative to reassess the underlying philosophy of STEM education and the need for its actualization. This is accomplished through the introduction of a STEM education model that facilitates the seamless integration of STEM subjects with all other academic disciplines. Moreover, the article addresses crucial aspects of the US national policy on arts education. It delves into the development and implementation of the National Core Arts Standards and the National Visual Arts Standards, which play a pivotal role in supporting arts education initiatives. The article delves into an analysis of the theoretical and methodological principles underpinning the development of a STEM education model. This includes an examination of project-based and practice-oriented learning, as well as the utilization of flipped and blended learning approaches, alongside cloud technologies, to facilitate the transformation of traditional education into an innovative learning environment. Furthermore, the article outlines the anticipated steps involved in the implementation of STEM education, with a focus on fostering career autonomy and empowering students to make informed choices about their professions. These steps encompass the promotion and popularization of STEM specialties, the provision of support for gifted students, and the encouragement of youth engagement in creative and research-oriented activities. Expanding on the understanding of how STEM education can be effectively implemented, the article enriches the information field with innovative methods, tools, and organizational forms for the educational process. These include hackathons, marathons, online experiments, e-virtual laboratories, science museums, and platforms designed to facilitate the organization of research activities and international projects. It is noteworthy that the successful implementation of these innovations will not only enhance the quality of foreign literature courses within the New Ukrainian School but also serve as a significant catalyst for the development of competitive and creative graduates.O artigo investiga as características fundamentais da educação STEM contemporânea, abrangendo aprendizagem integrada, pensamento crítico, habilidades de resolução de problemas, bem como comunicação ativa e habilidades de trabalho em equipe. Apresenta uma estratégia nova e imaginativa para o desenvolvimento de projetos, que visa dotar os alunos das competências necessárias para se envolverem na inovação tecnológica ao longo da vida, aplicando conhecimentos científicos e tecnológicos a cenários do mundo real. Além disso, o artigo esclarece os componentes principais da educação STEM, com base nas iniciativas do governo dos EUA destinadas a integrar abordagens STEM no sistema educativo nacional. Além disso, o artigo sublinha a necessidade de reavaliar a filosofia subjacente à educação STEM e a necessidade da sua atualização. Isto é conseguido através da introdução de um modelo de educação STEM que facilita a integração perfeita das disciplinas STEM com todas as outras disciplinas académicas. Além disso, o artigo aborda aspectos cruciais da política nacional dos EUA em matéria de educação artística. Ele se aprofunda no desenvolvimento e implementação dos Padrões Nacionais de Artes Básicas e dos Padrões Nacionais de Artes Visuais, que desempenham um papel fundamental no apoio a iniciativas de educação artística. O artigo analisa os princípios teóricos e metodológicos que sustentam o desenvolvimento de um modelo de educação STEM. Isto inclui uma análise da aprendizagem baseada em projetos e orientada para a prática, bem como a utilização de abordagens de aprendizagem invertidas e combinadas, juntamente com tecnologias de nuvem, para facilitar a transformação da educação tradicional num ambiente de aprendizagem inovador. Além disso, o artigo descreve as etapas previstas envolvidas na implementação da educação STEM, com foco na promoção da autonomia profissional e na capacitação dos alunos para fazerem escolhas informadas sobre as suas profissões. Estas etapas abrangem a promoção e popularização de especialidades STEM, a prestação de apoio a estudantes sobredotados e o incentivo ao envolvimento dos jovens em atividades criativas e orientadas para a investigação. Expandindo a compreensão de como a educação STEM pode ser implementada de forma eficaz, o artigo enriquece o campo da informação com métodos, ferramentas e formas organizacionais inovadoras para o processo educacional. Estas incluem hackathons, maratonas, experiências online, laboratórios virtuais eletrónicos, museus de ciência e plataformas concebidas para facilitar a organização de atividades de investigação e projetos internacionais. É digno de nota que a implementação bem-sucedida destas inovações não só melhorará a qualidade dos cursos de literatura estrangeira na Nova Escola Ucraniana, mas também servirá como um catalisador significativo para o desenvolvimento de graduados competitivos e criativos


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    The article is devoted to the disclosure of socio-cultural and aesthetic aspects of the formation of the professional orientation of a student – a future elementary school teacher. The authors reveal the socio-cultural and aesthetic potential of university disciplines in the personal development of a student – a future teacher. They characterize the features of the formation of the teacher’s professional orientation, the basis of which are his/her humanitarian and pedagogical culture and spirituality as the highest level of development and self-regulation of a mature personality, on which the highest human values become the main reference points of his/her life. Further, on the basis of the characteristics of the research methods, the article presents the results of the diagnostics of the formation of socio-cultural and aesthetic aspects of the professional orientation of the students of the pedagogical university – future elementary school teachers, reflecting the positive dynamics of the development of the qualities we consider in subjects in the experimental group.Статья посвящена раскрытию социокультурных и эстетических аспектов формирования профессиональной направленности студента – будущего современного учителя начальной школы. Раскрыт социокультурный и эстетический потенциал вузовских дисциплин в личностном становлении студента – будущего учителя. Охарактеризованы особенности формирования профессиональной направленности педагога, базисом которой являются его гуманитарно-педагогическая культура и духовность как высший уровень развития и саморегуляции зрелой личности, на котором основными ориентирами ее жизнедеятельности становятся высшие человеческие ценности. Далее, на основе характеристики методов исследования, в статье представлены результаты диагностики сформированности социокультурных и эстетических сторон профессиональной направленности у студентов педагогического вуза – будущих учителей начальных классов, отражающие положительную динамику развития рассматриваемых нами качеств у испытуемых в экспериментальной группе

    Teacher 2020. On the Road to Entrepreneurial Fluency in Teacher Education

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    Straddling the intersection

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    Music technology straddles the intersection between art and science and presents those who choose to work within its sphere with many practical challenges as well as creative possibilities. The paper focuses on four main areas: secondary education, higher education, practice and research and finally collaboration. The paper emphasises the importance of collaboration in tackling the challenges of interdisciplinarity and in influencing future technological developments

    Art Education as a Tool of Feminist Resistance in Iran ( 1979-2022 )

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    Art Education as a Tool of Feminist Resistance in Iran is a thesis that explores the use of art education as a form of resistance against patriarchy and gender inequality in Iran. Iran\u27s historical and cultural background is examined in this study, along with the effects of the Islamic Revolution and the place of women in society. I interviewed Iranian female artists, art educators, and activists using an ethnographic research methodology to learn about their perspectives on using art education as a form of resistance. This research explores the various ways that art education can be a tool of resistance, including encouraging critical thinking, the development of alternative narratives, and promoting a sense of community and solidarity. It also makes the case that art education can give women a voice and a platform to question gender norms and expectations in a culture that frequently tries to silence them. The thesis highlights the challenges Iranian female artists and educators face in their efforts to use art education as a tool of resistance. These challenges include censorship, lack of funding and resources, and threats. Despite these challenges, the study emphasizes the resilience and determination of Iranian women in their pursuit of gender equality and social justice. It also highlights the critical role that art education can play in promoting gender equality and challenging patriarchal structures and offers insights and recommendations for future research and policy interventions to support and empower Iranian women

    The Effect of The Art Education Status of Gifted Students on Their Professional Preferences

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of gifted students' art education on their professional preferences. The survey model, one of the quantitative research models, was used. A total of 320 students from the Çukurova Science and Art Center art field and general talent field, which were determined by the convenience sampling method, constitute the research sample group. The occupational preference inventory prepared by Atli and Kendal (2017) was used in the research. The inventory comprises six sub-dimensions: investigative, entrepreneurial, artistic, social, realistic, and traditional. Independent Sample t-Test and Anova Test were applied for the analyses, and Cohen's d and Eta Square tests were applied to calculate the effect level in meaningful data. As a result of the research on general talent and art students, it has been determined that there are significant differences in gender, school type, school level, and age